Ihr Name
Ihr Slogan

EXPERTS IN Commercial debt recovery and International DEBT COLLECTION SERVICES - in Germany and Europe

Our Law Firm assists in international debt collection, commercial and civil law on the basis of "no cure, no pay" - your partner in international legal debt collection, debt recovery and litigation, recovering overdue debts, outstanding invoices, bad debts and assisting with all types of overdue debts.

We are a one-stop collection solutions provider, offering receivables management solutions to clients worldwide and across all industries with our extensive experience in global commercial collections.

All procedural steps from the reminder, telephone calls and negotiations to the judicial enforcement of your claim and compulsory execution or even your representation in insolvency proceedings: all from one source!

International Debt collection - recovery supported by AI artificial intelligence What does AI have to say about these topics? Our pics created by AI artificial intelligence

The use of AI (ChatGPT 4o, Claude.ai, Prime legal, JURA-KI, Gemini, Copilot and others) is a matter of course for our work.

Artificial intelligence chatbots are conquering legal tech and helping to support our work in commercial law, sales law and international legal issues! 

We qualify ourselves through further training. Our legal prompting experts (certificate, su) and legal prompting engineers generate real added value for our clients.

Legal prompting, the initiation and management of AI-based systems in legal practice, is becoming increasingly important as it significantly improves the efficiency, accuracy and security of legal services. Chatbots analyse long contracts and legal texts, answer precise legal queries and significantly optimise and speed up our work processes.

Artificial intelligence chatbots expand our range of legal tech, by a legal prompting expert and engineer.


We enforce all types of claims against your debtors

outstanding invoices from purchase contracts, contracts for work and services, loans, partnership agreements, claims arising from commercial transactions, claims for damages, etc.


This includes all claims over €600, 600 GBP, 600 USD. 

We take care of everything, from reminders and dunning notices to the subsequent legal enforcement of your claims, including compulsory enforcement and representation in insolvency proceedings.

Our debt collection services range from extrajudicial and judicial enforcement throughout Germany, to enforcement of judgments or enforcement orders, to enforcement of claims in your debtor's insolvency proceedings. We can also pursue your claims abroad, all over Europe.


Before we recommend legal action, we have

  • Prepared your claim and related documents, checking them for enforceability (f.e. limitation period) and completeness,
  • Written to your debtors several times: by letter, email, WhatsApp, setting deadlines and making phone calls,
  • dealt with the debtors' excuses, assurances and objections,
  • obtained information about your debtors, checked financial data, insolvency, publications on the Internet, etc. or offered to obtain creditworthiness information at low cost,
  • Negotiated and concluded instalment payment agreements with legal certainty, monitored and disbursed payments.

All out-of-court-services are on basis of "no cure, no pay" / "no win, no fees" basis!

How to commission us, how to order:

In order to start collecting, we need the invoice, if available the offer or contract, etc., a short schedule of events, and all the debtor's contact information (email, mobile phone, website, etc.). Please send by email or use our offers.
So, the easiest way - and with minimum effort for you - is to instruct us: you simply send us the invoices and contact details and wait until we notify you of receipt of payment or inform you about the necessity and risks of legal proceedings.

Our chat - or email

email - click here

Our chat is DSVGO-compliant and data-protected.

We are available via chat during regular office hours. And if not, you can also send a message via chat.

An initial assessment of your case and answers to general questions are free of charge!

Please note that we cannot solve your individual legal case via chat and cannot provide free legal advice.

CHAT - Please click on the blue button below and accept cookies or third-party content! it may take a second to appear. If necessary, please confirm the privacy policy with the "tick". An English-language version is in the works, but the chatbot is very easy to use. Start a new session "Neue Unterhaltung" and confirm always the blue buttons and agree in data-protection declaration and add your name and email. Please note the areas of law in which we are not active, see below.

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Debt Collection all over Germany, Austria, Switzerland and all of Europe 

Out of court service with 25 years of experience in international debt and asset recovery and court proceedings and all kind of litigation. That is the quality proof of our Collection Recovery Services.

We are consultants in commercial law, contract law and insolvency law. 

Our out-of-court-service is on basis of "no cure, no pay" / "no win, no fees" basis. We collect accounts receivables, bad debts, overdue debts and open invoices in B2B but also in B2C market. In 2024 we offer starting court proceedings by very low investments - with no risk for our clients!

Collections solutions for international low and high-value accounts receivable - confidential and professional

File Your claim

What we do out-of-court, prelegal proceedings

We contact your debtor in their language with a representative that is located close to the business place of your debtor - in writings (request for payment, dunning letter) and by phone.

We negotiate with your debtor to find a fast settlement of the debt. All communication with your debtor is shared with you.

A commission fee is only charged on recovered funds.

One-off debts or bulk collections accepted on commission basis. There are no contracts and no hidden fees - all on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis. If we do not collect, you do not have pay anything

Our cost-effective debt collection commission fees start from as low as 3%. And we are happy to discuss rates.

What do we need?

Please send us the invoices, contract, order, Delivery Notes/POD's and all contact details available.

Contact by e-mail, Chat and Video

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Industries we have expertise

Our clients are from all over the world like

  • International Forwarders Debt Recovery Service
  • International Freight/Logistics industries, Transport
  • International Clothing industry, apparel
  • International Engine building, machine building industry, engineering
  • Chemical, pharmaceutical industry
  • construction industry, construction sector
  • International Service providers, Industry consulting
  • Personnel recruitment, Recruitment Agencies, Head-Hunting companies, Sales Executives, Sales agents
  • International IT consulting, IT sector

We serve all claims based on contract law or commercial law.

Please note that we accept claims only above 600 EUR / 600 GBP / 600 USD.

For further questions we are always prepared to support you with detailed information, information on our work and our conditions, fees and charges.

*What we don't work on:
We are not active in cases of less 600 EUR / 600 USD / 600 GBP, cases of criminal complaints and prosecution, criminal law, social law, tenancy law, administrative law, construction law, capital investment law, insurance law, family law and inheritance law.
In these areas of law we only make corresponding claims for payment.
We are not private detectives and do not investigate on site.
Please send us a brief message stating what the matter is. We will help you further.


From March 2024, we will offer maximum secure email communication with our clients:

  • without expensive letter post or complex portal solutions
  • Adaptive encryption, maximum security without additional effort
  • DSGVO and professional law compliant
  • Proof of delivery for every email - just like a registered letter. 

The special thing is that no additional steps are necessary, neither on our part nor on the part of our clients! Of course, we can also offer simple password encryption if required!

The delivery is also logged so that there is court-proof proof of receipt by the debtor - just like a registered letter.

The data transfer with the recipient server, including its acknowledgement of receipt, is logged so that the delivery status can be traced at any time and you are legally protected in the event of a dispute thanks to the digital proof of delivery.

The Federal Court of Justice has ruled that the only decisive factor for the legal receipt of an email is whether it can be retrieved from the recipient's mail server during normal business hours. When the recipient actually read the electronic message, on the other hand, is irrelevant (BGH, judgement of 06.10.2022 - Ref.: VII ZR 895/21).

Why to choose our Law Firm?

Our Office combines debt collection proceedings (debt collection agency) with subsequent court proceedings if necessary - all proceedings are in one single hand.

Modern back-office: Our office is completely digitized, electronic file-system, online-linkage to a lot of data providing service companies and authorities like credit-rating companies, online accessibility to the courts and bailiffs in Germany etc.

We are able to represent your interests all over Germany. Our Lawyers are called to every court in Germany.

Fees and costs: It is the guiding principle of our office to cover our fees and costs by the debtor himself ("no cure no pay") in out of court debt collection cases.

Experience has shown that it is very effective to contact the debtor directly and to force him by staying close to him by telephone. 

Please take in consideration that very often the refusal of payment indicates a bad financial situation. Objections (f.e. notice of defects) against your claim mostly are assertions to delay payment.

In bankruptcy proceedings, insolvency, you need experience filing the claim to the bankruptcy court, to control and monitor proceedings and the measures taken by the administrator/receiver in bankruptcy. Insolvency proceedings often last years.

At each stage of proceedings we inform you about the actual situation, provide you with an update and will advise you in deciding further steps. It is also out of question that we will provide you with background information.

Find here the list of documents and information needed in debt collection. Please note that we are able to represent your interests all over Germany. Our Lawyers are called to the bar at every court in Germany.

What we need

International debt collection - modern, digital, AI supported!

areas of activity

Our Law Firm is a high-quality, commercial law firm with expertise in specific business sectors. 

Our Law Firm provide tailored and integrated legal services across a wide range of practice areas to German and international clients.

areas of activity

  • international conducting of law-suits, litigation
  • consulting in commercial law, contract law, civil law and insolvency law
  • recognition (acknowledgement) and enforcement of judgements in Germany
  • claim-management - debt collection
  • business mediation, economic mediation (certified Mediator), check our offers
  • consulting, drafting of contracts

areas of legal activity

  • hi tech and machines
  • fashion and trade

areas of business

  • General Civil Law
  • Company and Commercial Law, partnerships
  • corporate contracts, shareholders value
  • general terms of business
  • agency contracts
  • franchise, distribution and service agreements
  • Employment Law
  • Law of work councils
  • Contract Law, particularly international purchase law (CISG)
  • Competition and Antitrust Law, unfair competition
  • insolvency/bankruptcy law (advice before and during proceedings)
  • Liquidations


  • More than 25 years of experience in international debt collection und subsequent court proceedings
  • Establishment of branches in Germany
  • counseling in German Law provisions
  • advice concerning contract forms, terms of trade and General Conditions

Lawyers and associates are fluent in English, French, Spanish and Italian in word and writing. We communicate in all european languages in written.


How it works



Please send us an email

email: [kanzlei@wirtschaftsinkasso.com]

email - click here

Contact: 0049-221 16 856 082


You can also make payments conveniently via PayPal:
You will find a barcode below (we do not accept any fees).

Online legal advice, video consultation, video call and chat - we advise online

We advise and provide information on debt collection, contract law, sales law, also via chat - free initial assessment in approx. 10 min.

We do not use unsafe video programs, but rely on certified providers with server location in Germany.

Click on the video button (bottom right in the orange field, our logo) and you will see which member of staff is currently available by video.

After your selection, you will be taken directly to the virtual waiting room of our law firm. We will be notified of your presence and begin the video conference.
If the video button is not visible, please activate the "External content" in the window below when calling up this page so that the script works.
